Our trip to Argentina this summer was a very different experience from years past. Our team of five ladies, including 3 teens, joined two Urbancrest interns who were already in Argentina. We joined with two missionary couples and two interpreters in the city of Salta, in the province of Salta, Argentina. We had the opportunity to work with a local Salta church in many different ministries. From the Thursday evening we arrived through Sunday night we worked in two "Happy Hours" (which are weekly children's Bible studies much like VBS), ministered in a local school teaching English and the love of Jesus, visited patients in the local hospital, attended a large youth event involving four churches, and shared our lives and testimonies with the church at teas, Sunday Schools, small groups, and during their main service.
Monday our team moved to a town outside of the main capital of Salta which was a bit smaller than the city of Lebanon. When we arrived, we went directly to the local high school where we met Juan Jose, a teacher there and also the elder of the local church. We found out that recently this city has been plagued with sadness because of a rash of suicides and suicide attempts among young people. They do not know the extent of this sad epidemic, but it has been as bad as 15 attempts in one day. Needless to say, this was a dark place in need of the hope that only Christ can bring. The Lord opened so many doors for us to share. We were primarily in the public high school, but we also visited the elementary school and spent one afternoon in a private high school. Each classroom was different. Sometimes we started with an English lesson, but sometimes we just started with our testimonies and lead straight to the Gospel. Not once were we stopped in these schools; not one student was disrespectful to the message we were offering. In fact, quite the opposite; many students ASKED how we could live with such hope and joy. We can only attribute that to the Lord and His work in the lives and hearts there. It was an amazing experience where God just let us be a part of and see what He can do. We spoke to over 600 students in this town where hope and peace were planted in a people that are calling out for it.
In all, our team got to witness 79 souls changed forever as they gave their hearts to the Lord. We ask for prayer for these people as they start their new lives in Christ--for discipleship and growth and protection. Please pray for the missionaries we worked with in Argentina: Will & Alejandra Herndon, Chema and Analia. Please pray for a young man we worked with in Salta. Raul is only 18 years old but had a massive stroke after we left the city. Last we heard he is in a coma and his situation is very serious. He is a core worker for the church. Please pray for his recovery.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support! Without prayer and the Lord's guidance we would all be hopeless!