Call Urbancrest Baptist Church at 513.932.4405 to register!
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” ~ Matthew 24:14
“After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’” ~ Revelation 7:9-10
Jesus was explicit in His command that His followers should go tell every people group His good news. Sometimes that requires much effort. Many times the cost is great compared to the number of souls won, especially to Americans who love to keep score. I have been told twice in the last month by men I consider to be mission mentors that the price is too high. “How can we spend so much money to go to the ends of the earth when we can use that money to do so much good right here?” Although it may sound ridiculous, this
is what the King has told us to do. God’s economy is different than ours, as are His ways. We are not the score keeper. He is.
There are 11,228 people groups on our planet today. We have been commissioned to make sure they all hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Every Christian, and certainly every church, should be taking part in this divine endeavor, even if we are unsure of the outcome.
To that end, Urbancrest is hosting an Unreached People Group Summit on September 30 – October 1, 2011 with the America Peoples Affinity of the IMB. Please read the information below and participate in our attempt to reach those who have never heard the Gospel in a way that they can understand it. Urbancrest will begin the process of adopting one of these people groups in the near future. It will take the efforts and support of all of our church members to reach them, and it will take the effort of every church that this blog touches to reach all 462 of these people groups in the Americas that have zero exposure to the gospel. I invite you to come and see how we can partner together to fulfill God's plan for the nations!
Event Details/Schedule:
"Our vision is a multitude of disciples among all Peoples of the Americas equipped to fulfill the Great Commission to the ends of the earth."
This event is being held in hopes of finding churches that will co-labor with us to see that vision become a reality.
With 462 specific People Groups with 0 missionaries and 0 churches among them, we desperately need SBC churches to be actively involved in efforts to reach every one of these.
The Connection Event will help equip your church to effectively engage People Groups through focused prayer, practical methodologies, realistic long term strategies, and reproducible models.
Highlights will include general sessions with Terry Lassiter (Affinity Global Strategy Leader), breakout sessions with experienced field missionaries, specific information about Unreached and Unengaged People Groups, utilizing Orality/non-literate methods among Oral People Groups/cultures and more.
Join us as we seek ways to see Matthew 28 become Revelation 7:9-10 among every Unreached People Group within the Affinity.
Please make your own hotel and ground transportation arrangements. Click the image above to see a list of several lodging options on the Lodging Page for your convenience.
Registration Fee: $35
Call Urbancrest Baptist Church at 513.932.4405 to register!
Friday, September 30
Check-in from 3:00-5:00p.m. followed by dinner, worship and a general session
Saturday, October 1
Registration and continental breakfast - 7:30-8:00a.m.
Morning sessions, including break - 8:00a.m.-12:30pm.
Lunch - 12:30-1:00p.m.
Afternoon sessions - 1:00-4:00p.m.
Break/Snack - 3:45-4:00p.m.
Optional Orality Workshop - 4:00-7:00p.m.
Dinner - On your own
The gospel works in every culture. The only way it can fail is if, due to our fear and disobedience, we do not share it.
There is coming a day when we will worship before the throne of God. There with us will be people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. That day is as much of a reality as today. I do not know how many people will be in heaven, but I know that there will be a minimum of 11,228 since there will be at least one from every people group. Among those represented will be the 462 people groups that are living in the Americas. Will you make the time to learn how to reach them?