Thursday, February 17, 2011

GIC 24 Hour Prayer Vigil

Prayer is the key to the success of all our mission endeavors, for unless the Lord goes before us to prepare the way, our way will be very difficult. And, indeed, unless the Lord is within each of us, controlling us, our way is the wrong way.

The Urbancrest Global Impact Celebration is fast approaching, (March 16 – 20, 2011) Our Prayer Vigil this weekend is the essential element not only to the days of the event, but also to the days of preparation before the GIC and the days that follow as we take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

Our GIC Prayer Leader, Todd Tolliver writes;
“We pray that our Lord would grant travel mercies to the many missionaries who come, some from great distances to meet here at Urbancrest. In the past, Many specific requests for prayer were made and God moved his hand each time. I would ask that you prayerfully consider joining with our Church Body in praying for the GIC once again this year. The 24 Hour Prayer Vigil will take place from 6:00 pm Friday, February 18th to 6:00 pm Saturday, February 19th.  Thank you for your continued support of the GIC and praying for great things to be accomplished during this time that will bring our Lord Glory.”
Please come to the church and spend as much time as you want praying for each missionary that is participating in GIC this year. Each has sent us their specific prayer request for their ministries. We also ask that you pray for those UBC servants who work to organize and work to carry out this great event. Consider this Prayer:
           Holy Father, bless this Global Impact Celebration. Let every promise of Your Word be abundant in our lives as we prepare to fulfill your call to our Jerusalem, (Lebanon), our Judea, (Ohio,) our Samaria, (the USA) and to “go to the ends of the earth.”

 “Continue to seek God, but go beyond seeking him, expect
and when He comes in power, yield to Him.     Martin Lloyd Jones

For more information about the Prayer Vigil call 513- 932-4405 or email
For more information about the Global Impact Celebration go to;

Friday, February 4, 2011

February Missions Update

I want to remind you of a few updates and changes in our Urbancrest Missions Calendar.

February 6th –
       Malawi and Uganda Mission Teams Information Meetings in Room 207 at 12:30 pm

          Uganda Project ~ The dates are June 29 - July 16th. We are in need of women to minister to women and children and men to work with teaching men. We can always use medical personnel. Our Uganda team will work with George Smith and the Whitmer's on Bavuma Island, Pastor Alfred in Jinja and with Susan & Richard Angoma at Canaan Farm. To learn more about how you can be involved, please attend this meeting.
           Malawi Project ~ The dates are August 1 - 14th. Urbancrest is partnering with You Turn Ministries and Joe Veal. We need men and women in this project to evangelize in the villages, work in the Lighthouse Orphanage teaching children in VBS type of ministries. Please attend this meeting to learn how God will use you to glorify his name in Malawi.

       Introduction to Biblical Missions ~ Sunday evenings weekly at 6:00 pm in room 205
                    Everyone INVITED!
February 13th ~
     Key West, FL Project Information Meeting with David Bickers at 12:30 pm in room 207
Key West trip dates are June 2-9, 2011

     Haiti Project Information Meeting with Jeff and Deanne Clem at 12:30 pm in room 205
Haiti trip dates are June 11-18

February 18-26th Cuba Mission Project
     Please pray for the 7 team members as they travel and work with the churches in Cuba

March 16th – 20th – Global Impact Celebration
Over 40 missionaries from all over the world will converge on UBC to share their ministries and stories. Plan now to attend every event. You will be glad you did!
Theme: "The Night is Coming" from John 9:4