Urbancrest’s 2011 Global Impact Celebration finished with three great services! Saturday evening we enjoyed the Taste of the World where the Sunday School classes went all out to prepare international foods for those attending to sample. Immediately following, Saturday's evening service was focused on our local missions and our commitment to prayer. Travis Ogle, Teaching Pastor for Hope Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada was our featured speaker. I have never heard a more challenging message on prayer! If you were not there, please listen to the podcast at
http://www.urbancrest.org/. Many responded and prayer teams were raised for missionaries as they return to their mission fields all over the world.
On Sunday morning, the missionaries once again spent time getting to know their Sunday school class members and the services were powerful! Pastor Travis once again preached a challenging message on the Church and her mission. We collected our Faith Promise Offering for the coming year and many responded to the challenge. By Monday morning, over $241,000.00 had been promised for the Lord’s work through Urbancrest ministries. This is less than last year by about $26,000.00, but is an amazing amount of funds to be promised in faith. God honors faith, and we feel certain that He will allow us to accomplish His will with the funds He provides. If you were unable to turn in your Faith Promise Commitment Card on Sunday, it is not too late. We will receive them for the next few weeks, after which we will begin to build our budget for next year on the promises given. Pray that we will not have to reduce or terminate missionary support due to the lack of funds. Remember, the question is not, “Do you have the money?” This is not about money. The question is, “Do we have faith and are we going to be obedient?” Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that “without faith it is impossible to please God.”
Sunday evening was our Life Commitment Service with Pastor Steven from Israel bringing the message. As our local ministry leaders and short-term mission trip team leaders lined the alter and invited people to join them in ministry locally, nationally, and to the ends of the earth, I was reminded of what a great church God has raised up for Himself at Urbancrest. The sun does not set on her ministries. Many people made commitments to short and long-term missions. Eight people came forward and committed to give their lives in service to the Kingdom. Pray for them as they seek God’s will for their lives.
I am truly sad to send the missionaries back to their work. Getting to know them is a great blessing in my life. My prayer is that they leave refreshed after having been here and encouraged to do the work they are called to. God was glorified, our vision was enlarged, hearts were touched, lives were transformed and finances were committed. All of our goals were reached! God is an awesome God!
If you have a story or a testimony about the GIC this year, please email it to me at
destep@urbancrest.org. Now it is time for each of us to go to work! We need to be connected and committed to the place and people each of us have been called to. Do not be silent. Tell the Good News that “Jesus saves.” Remember that “the night is coming when no one can work.”