December Weekly & Monthly Local Ministries:
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Howard Pauley for more information: 937-671-5349
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center (WCJDC) – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Bob Woods for more information: 513-383-3554
December Calendar
December 5: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 6:30pm in Room 202
December 8: Mexico UPG Information Meeting for February & April Trips @ 12:30pm in Room 207
December 8-14: Mexico UPG Mission trip
December 11: Kindred Care
December 15: Middle East Trip Information Meeting (after 2nd service); Christmas Baskets of Hope @ 5:00pm for volunteers, 6:00pm service in sanctuary
December 18: Kindred Care; Laundry Ministry; Lebanon Food Pantry
Looking Ahead to 2014:
January 5: GIC Coordinator Meeting from 4:00pm-6:00pm in Room 206
January 18: Safe Travel Training (for mission teams departing January-May)
January 26: GIC Team Leader Meeting
February 1: Short-term Mission Team Leader Training
March 12-16: Global Impact Celebration
June 7: Safe Travel Training (for mission teams departing June-December)
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
This Gospel of the Kingdom
Sequestered high up in the Sierra Madres in Southern Mexico is an Unreached People Group (UPG) that Urbancrest recently adopted to reach with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since this blog can be read by anyone on the internet, I cannot mention their name for fear of those who will not want us there. This people group is very religious and knows about Jesus Christ, yet they have no idea they can have a personal relationship with Him. They are told they must keep a set of rituals and regulations in order to earn eternal life. What a privilege we have to tell them that Jesus has already paid the full price for their sin through His suffering on the cross. They are only required to repent of their sin, receive the gift of salvation, and invite Him into their hearts!
Jeff Clem, Mick Lovely, and I made a trip this September seeking to work out logistics for our future teams. We were traveling with IMB missionary Jeff Holeman, two missionaries in the IMB Hands On semester program, a retired missionary that was helping Jeff connect churches like ours to UPGs, and a national pastor who was driving and translating for us. We had just a few days and much to accomplish. Although I had only been to the small village one time previously, I had learned then that in their culture the village leader’s approval was needed to do almost everything. Our hope was to find a place to spend three nights in the village, and in that time we wanted to meet with the village leaders to gain approval to be there long-term. Our goal was to return and bring teams to work and minister among the residents. If that approval was granted, we would need to find and rent a place to lodge our future teams.
It seemed nearly impossible to me that all of these goals could be accomplished in the short time we would be there. Even while I was in the U.S. asking people to pray for these tasks to be completed, I was having my doubts. After flying most of the day Sunday, we finally arrived in the city and stayed overnight. We experienced several delays after picking up the rental car early Monday, and when we finally started our journey the transmission went out on the vehicle. Therefore, we had to remain in the city another night and wait until Tuesday to head to our adopted people group.
As we finally began inching our way up the mountain early Tuesday morning, I quickly realized that the small car I had rented was not appropriate for this trip! A hurricane and a tropical storm had brought rain to the region every day for the past two weeks, therefore the gravel road was washed out in many places and the car was dragging bottom on every bump. I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Mick and Jeff were riding in the back seat! (Note to self: Rent a van or SUV for future trips!) What should have been a three hour trip turned into six hours. By the time we arrived at the picturesque little village around 1:00pm, I assumed that the likelihood of accomplishing our goals in the time remaining was slim. I felt certain I would be returning in early October to try again.
Elizabeth, the restaurant owner, remembered us and welcomed us once again. She had a chicken/salsa dish prepared, which she shared with us. We learned that the village leaders were meeting that very day to elect a new village president. Our missionary commented that it was best to stay away from those meetings due to the fact that the atmosphere could be contentious. I agreed with his wisdom, but wondered whether there would be another time to meet with them since we only had two days left.
After lunch we found that the building next door was a place that rented rooms. We met the lady who owned the building and she quickly rented three rooms to us. I think she even moved someone out of one of the rooms to accommodate us. It was fairly primitive for the area with an outside toilet (no seat of course), and everyone had to carry their own flushing water. We had air mattresses to make up for the shortage of beds.
We set up the rooms for our stay and then decided to take a walk around the little town. I took this walk on my first trip and already knew my way around. The main road sat on a ridge overlooking the tops of a few houses and other buildings. We passed a few stores, a bakery, and several homes as we explored. In the center of town, the most prominent building was the church. Behind the church was the community center and the primary school. Most of us ended up in the courtyard of the church at the same time, but Jeff walked past the church and straight up to a group of people who were gathered outside of the community center. He told them that he was a connector for groups in the U.S. who were interested in working in Mexican villages. After a few minutes, he walked back to us and asked if we would like to talk to the village leaders now. Of course, after traveling nearly 2500 miles, we were more than ready to talk with these leaders!
As we approached the group I could not tell which man was the leader, so I decided it was best for me to talk with the aid of Manuel, our translator. With his help, I told them of our desire to work in the area through humanitarian efforts. We were able to meet the man who had just been elected the new president of the village. We could not have been there and talking to them at a better time! They told us of some of the things they hoped we could help them with: medical teams, ESL, and programs for the children. They asked for more time to make a list, but gave us their blessing to be there and to return with the people that can help in those areas of need. Our next question was about housing: If we were going to bring in teams, would we have permission to rent a place to lodge them there? Once again they were quick to grant us what we asked for. We decided to go ahead and present our final request: Did they know of anyone that had such a place that we could rent? They all pointed to a little lady named Luz that had been standing a few feet away listening to our conversation.
Luz and her husband were building a hotel next door to the community center where we were standing. Her husband was out of the country, but she told us they had a new unit that was nearly finished except for installing the windows and doors. Half of the motel was completed and would be available at the regular rate. I had anticipated that we would be renting a house and sending construction teams to remodel it, wire it, and install bathrooms to make it suitable for American teams. To our surprise, these rooms were already complete with bathrooms and showers in each room! We made the offer to rent on an annual basis the six rooms that were near completion. Within three hours after arriving, God had allowed us to complete all of our goals! Seemingly impossible goals are very possible with our God!
The next morning we packed up and traveled back to the city. With our remaining time, we were able to get cost estimates on the furniture and equipment that will enable us to keep our team comfortable and safe. God amazed me once again as He answered your prayers for this UPG project! The Word of God is clear that we must reach across cultural barriers to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to tribes and families that have never heard. Please continue to pray that God will continue opening doors so that we can build relationships among this people group. Pray that many will accept His offer of salvation and become discipled followers of Him. Please pray that a church planting movement will be established among this group. Finally, please continue to give to the Faith Promise Fund as we send teams to proclaim His truth in love.
"And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." ~ Matthew 24:14
~ Doss Estep, Minister of Missions
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
October Weekly & Monthly Local Ministries:
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Howard Pauley for more information: 937-671-5349
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
School of Evangelism – Every Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm in Room 205
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
Visitation Night – Every Wednesday beginning at 6:30pm in Room 202
Contact Michelle Otto for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center (WCJDC) – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Bob Woods for more information: 513-383-3554
October Calendar
October 5: Church-wide work day at new Phase 2 Thrift Store (old skating rink at 762 Columbus Ave) from 8:00am-12:00pm. Painting project!; Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 6: Phase 2 Thrift Store meeting in Room 202 directly after second service. Leaders: Eric Gage & Deb Figary
October 8: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202; WCJDC
October 9: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
October 10: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
October 12: Great Pumpkin Giveaway from 10:00am-2:00pm at Iron’s Fruit Farm; Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 13: Peoples/Killin Return Reception after AM service. RSVP required to Janna Coates Bring side dish or dessert; GIC Coordinator Meeting from 5:00pm-7:00pm in Room 206
October 14: Cincinnati Area Baptist Association Organizational Meeting @ 7:00pm
Location: New Hope Baptist Church, Loveland
October 15: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; WCJDC
October 16: Kindred Care; Laundry Ministry; Lebanon Food Pantry; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
October 17: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
October 18-20: Judgement House – Go to for show times. Call 513-932-4405 to make a reservation.
October 19: Church-wide Prayer for the Billy Graham “My Hope” Opportunity from 8:00am-9:00am in Room 202; Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 22: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope
October 23: Kindred Care; Monthly Baskets of Hope; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night; Judgement House from 6:00pm-8:00pm (call 513-932-4405 to make a reservation)
October 24: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
October 25-27: Judgement House - Go to for show times. Call 513-932-4405 to make a reservation.
October 26: Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 29: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; WCJDC
October 30: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
October 31: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
Looking Ahead:
November 6-7: SCBO Annual Meeting in Toledo. See for more information!
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Howard Pauley for more information: 937-671-5349
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
School of Evangelism – Every Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm in Room 205
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
Visitation Night – Every Wednesday beginning at 6:30pm in Room 202
Contact Michelle Otto for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center (WCJDC) – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Bob Woods for more information: 513-383-3554
October Calendar
October 5: Church-wide work day at new Phase 2 Thrift Store (old skating rink at 762 Columbus Ave) from 8:00am-12:00pm. Painting project!; Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 6: Phase 2 Thrift Store meeting in Room 202 directly after second service. Leaders: Eric Gage & Deb Figary
October 8: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202; WCJDC
October 9: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
October 10: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
October 12: Great Pumpkin Giveaway from 10:00am-2:00pm at Iron’s Fruit Farm; Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 13: Peoples/Killin Return Reception after AM service. RSVP required to Janna Coates Bring side dish or dessert; GIC Coordinator Meeting from 5:00pm-7:00pm in Room 206
October 14: Cincinnati Area Baptist Association Organizational Meeting @ 7:00pm
Location: New Hope Baptist Church, Loveland
October 15: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; WCJDC
October 16: Kindred Care; Laundry Ministry; Lebanon Food Pantry; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
October 17: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
October 18-20: Judgement House – Go to for show times. Call 513-932-4405 to make a reservation.
October 19: Church-wide Prayer for the Billy Graham “My Hope” Opportunity from 8:00am-9:00am in Room 202; Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 22: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope
October 23: Kindred Care; Monthly Baskets of Hope; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night; Judgement House from 6:00pm-8:00pm (call 513-932-4405 to make a reservation)
October 24: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
October 25-27: Judgement House - Go to for show times. Call 513-932-4405 to make a reservation.
October 26: Resource Center open 10:00am-12:00pm
October 29: Resource Center open 1:00pm-4:00pm; WCJDC
October 30: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
October 31: Resource Center open 12:00pm-3:00pm
Looking Ahead:
November 6-7: SCBO Annual Meeting in Toledo. See for more information!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
September Weekly & Monthly Local Ministries:
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
School of Evangelism – Every Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm in Room 205
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
Visitation Night – Every Wednesday beginning at 6:30pm in Room 202
Contact Michelle Otto for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
September Calendar:
September 10: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202; SHBA Final Meeting
September 11: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
September 12: Advance Multiplication Center Prayer Retreat @ FBC Kettering; Prayer Walking from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meet Sandy Huddleston in front of church!
September 14: Church-wide Work Day @ new Phase 2 Thrift Store (old skating rink at 762 Columbus Ave) from 8:00am-12:00pm. Drywall project!
September 15: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 206
September 18: Food Pantry; Kindred Care; Laundry Ministry; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
September 19: Church Planter Network Meeting from 10:00am-1:00pm in Room 202; Prayer Walking from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meet Sandy Huddleston in front of church!
September 22: Church-wide My Hope Training with Billy Graham from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the Upper Room
September 22-27: Mexico Mission Project to Sierra Chontal
September 24-25: Monthly Baskets of Hope
Contact Kyleen Francis for more information:
September 25: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
September 26: Prayer Walking from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meet Sandy Huddleston in front of church!
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
School of Evangelism – Every Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm in Room 205
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
Visitation Night – Every Wednesday beginning at 6:30pm in Room 202
Contact Michelle Otto for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
September Calendar:
September 10: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202; SHBA Final Meeting
September 11: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
September 12: Advance Multiplication Center Prayer Retreat @ FBC Kettering; Prayer Walking from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meet Sandy Huddleston in front of church!
September 14: Church-wide Work Day @ new Phase 2 Thrift Store (old skating rink at 762 Columbus Ave) from 8:00am-12:00pm. Drywall project!
September 15: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 206
September 18: Food Pantry; Kindred Care; Laundry Ministry; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
September 19: Church Planter Network Meeting from 10:00am-1:00pm in Room 202; Prayer Walking from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meet Sandy Huddleston in front of church!
September 22: Church-wide My Hope Training with Billy Graham from 6:00pm-7:30pm in the Upper Room
September 22-27: Mexico Mission Project to Sierra Chontal
September 24-25: Monthly Baskets of Hope
Contact Kyleen Francis for more information:
September 25: Kindred Care; School of Evangelism; Visitation Night
September 26: Prayer Walking from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Meet Sandy Huddleston in front of church!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
Weekly & Monthly Local Ministries:
Hope Gardens – Every Tuesday @ 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm for guests
Contact Jill Young for more information:
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
June Calendar
June 6: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202; Church-wide Evangelism Training with Andrew Trezona @ 6:00pm in Upper Room
June 6-13: Key West Mission Trip
June 7-9: Young at Heart Retreat at Long’s Retreat Family Resort in Adams County
(see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
June 9: Argentina Mission Team Meeting - After services in Room 201
June 11: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests
June 12: Church-wide distribution of door knockers for VBS including subdivisions (meet at UBC at 6pm); Kindred Care
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 14: Young at Heart Gathering (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
June 16: Uganda Mission Team Meeting @ 6:00pm (Persen’s house)
June 17-21: Urbancrest Vacation Bible School
Visit for more information!
June 18: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
June 19: Kindred Care; Food Pantry
June 21: VBS Block Party
June 23: Argentina Mission Team Meeting – After services in Room 201
June 25: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
June 26: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide Challenge the Neighborhood in Revere’s Run subdivision; Visitation Night; Open House at Resource Center/Thrift Store; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206; Laundry Ministry
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 29: Fishing Derby from 10:00am-2:00pm at Urbancrest pond
June 30: Argentina Mission Team Meeting – After services in Room 201; Uganda Mission Team Meeting @ 4:00pm (Persen’s house)
July Calendar
July 2: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
July 2-11: Argentina Mission Trip
July 3: Church-wide work night at UBC @ 6:00pm (landscaping, cleaning, painting, etc.); Kindred Care
July 6: Uganda Mission Team Meeting (w/families) @ 5:00pm (Estep’s house)
July 9: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
July 10: Alabama mission team & Block Party @ 6:00pm at the Resource Center/Thrift Store; Kindred Care
July 10-28: Uganda Mission Trip
July 11: Back Yard Kids Club at Resource Center/Thrift Store
July 12: Back Yard Kids Club at Resource Center/Thrift Store; Young at Heart Gathering (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
July 16: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
July 16-20: Warren County Fair
July 17: Kindred Care; Food Pantry
July 23: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
July 24: Block Party @ 6pm in Pleasant Park; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
July 30: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
July 31: Challenge the Neighborhood @ 6pm in Silverwood Farms; Visitation Night; Kindred Care; Food Pantry
Save the Dates:
August 3 – Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
August 17 – Car Show (Rain Date August 24)
August 21 – Dog Show
August 28 – Church-wide Family Night
Hope Gardens – Every Tuesday @ 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm for guests
Contact Jill Young for more information:
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
June Calendar
June 6: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202; Church-wide Evangelism Training with Andrew Trezona @ 6:00pm in Upper Room
June 6-13: Key West Mission Trip
June 7-9: Young at Heart Retreat at Long’s Retreat Family Resort in Adams County
(see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
June 9: Argentina Mission Team Meeting - After services in Room 201
June 11: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests
June 12: Church-wide distribution of door knockers for VBS including subdivisions (meet at UBC at 6pm); Kindred Care
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 14: Young at Heart Gathering (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
June 16: Uganda Mission Team Meeting @ 6:00pm (Persen’s house)
June 17-21: Urbancrest Vacation Bible School
Visit for more information!
June 18: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
June 19: Kindred Care; Food Pantry
June 21: VBS Block Party
June 23: Argentina Mission Team Meeting – After services in Room 201
June 25: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
June 26: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide Challenge the Neighborhood in Revere’s Run subdivision; Visitation Night; Open House at Resource Center/Thrift Store; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206; Laundry Ministry
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 29: Fishing Derby from 10:00am-2:00pm at Urbancrest pond
June 30: Argentina Mission Team Meeting – After services in Room 201; Uganda Mission Team Meeting @ 4:00pm (Persen’s house)
July Calendar
July 2: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
July 2-11: Argentina Mission Trip
July 3: Church-wide work night at UBC @ 6:00pm (landscaping, cleaning, painting, etc.); Kindred Care
July 6: Uganda Mission Team Meeting (w/families) @ 5:00pm (Estep’s house)
July 9: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
July 10: Alabama mission team & Block Party @ 6:00pm at the Resource Center/Thrift Store; Kindred Care
July 10-28: Uganda Mission Trip
July 11: Back Yard Kids Club at Resource Center/Thrift Store
July 12: Back Yard Kids Club at Resource Center/Thrift Store; Young at Heart Gathering (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
July 16: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC
July 16-20: Warren County Fair
July 17: Kindred Care; Food Pantry
July 23: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
July 24: Block Party @ 6pm in Pleasant Park; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
July 30: Hope Garden – 6:00pm for volunteers, 7:00pm guests; WCJDC; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
July 31: Challenge the Neighborhood @ 6pm in Silverwood Farms; Visitation Night; Kindred Care; Food Pantry
Save the Dates:
August 3 – Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
August 17 – Car Show (Rain Date August 24)
August 21 – Dog Show
August 28 – Church-wide Family Night
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Living Word Baptist Church Update
Things are busier than ever, even though over the winter months (with all the bad weather) we didn’t have as many special events taking place. Our people have concentrated on going out and visiting those who have expressed an interest in our church. We have also been going out prayer walking neighborhoods while handing out door hangers and talking to as many as possible. A couple people from the congregation (primarily Dave Grove - one of our faithful deacons) have joined me in going door to door when weather permitted. As a result, God continues to add to our congregation! Since January our church roster has grown to fifty-seven. It was rough for a few weeks with attendance dropping off. I guess Satan didn’t like what was going on in our neighborhood! But, God rallied the church and things have gotten much better. Our weekly attendance last month increased to an average of forty-two. Most importantly, since the first of the year we have continued to see many souls come to the Lord. Praise God!
In February, Living Word hosted our first movie night that was open to the community. We had popcorn, chips, and candy for the concessions, as well as coffee and juice to wash it down. The movies that we showed were the animation UP and Faith like Potatoes. We had 27 people attend!
In March, we participated in the Global Impact Celebration (GIC) at Urbancrest Baptist Church. Living Word Baptist Church had its own display and I was blessed to be able to share what we are doing at LWBC with Pastor Tom’s Sunday school class. Many of our folks attended the GIC services for the first time. They thought it was great! The parade of countries (flags) and everyone in costume was greatly moving for them, and of course it was great to hear the speakers proclaim the Word. A couple of the children from LWBC even handed out literature for the GIC. Many enjoyed talking with missionaries one-on-one for the first time, but for some the Taste of the World was their favorite part.
In May, we were blessed to have the UBC hand bell choir come again to share with us their gifts in music. It is always as treat to have them in our services. We were also blessed to have Aaron Bogan and his family visit Living Word. He brought a wonderful and moving sermon that challenged the hearts of many. Some are still talking about how hearing Aaron has impacted them.
May also brought Innocent & Ruth Kiiza (national missionaries from Uganda) to our church. They gave their testimony of how God called them into missions, and what He is doing in their lives and the lives of the Ugandans they minister to on Buvuma Island. Innocent has insisted that when able, LWBC must send a mission team to Uganda.
It’s exciting to see what God is doing at Living Word Baptist Church, and how He is at work in the lives of many in our community. Pamela and I would like to invite anyone who would like to keep up with this exciting time to be on our mailing list so that we can share future events with all our friends and family.
Please pray! Pray for Living Word that God will continue to add to the church those who will be saved and those who will serve! Pray for Pam and me that God will provide for our needs!
Blessings to Everyone!
Darrell & Pam Coley
In February, Living Word hosted our first movie night that was open to the community. We had popcorn, chips, and candy for the concessions, as well as coffee and juice to wash it down. The movies that we showed were the animation UP and Faith like Potatoes. We had 27 people attend!
In March, we participated in the Global Impact Celebration (GIC) at Urbancrest Baptist Church. Living Word Baptist Church had its own display and I was blessed to be able to share what we are doing at LWBC with Pastor Tom’s Sunday school class. Many of our folks attended the GIC services for the first time. They thought it was great! The parade of countries (flags) and everyone in costume was greatly moving for them, and of course it was great to hear the speakers proclaim the Word. A couple of the children from LWBC even handed out literature for the GIC. Many enjoyed talking with missionaries one-on-one for the first time, but for some the Taste of the World was their favorite part.
In May, we were blessed to have the UBC hand bell choir come again to share with us their gifts in music. It is always as treat to have them in our services. We were also blessed to have Aaron Bogan and his family visit Living Word. He brought a wonderful and moving sermon that challenged the hearts of many. Some are still talking about how hearing Aaron has impacted them.
May also brought Innocent & Ruth Kiiza (national missionaries from Uganda) to our church. They gave their testimony of how God called them into missions, and what He is doing in their lives and the lives of the Ugandans they minister to on Buvuma Island. Innocent has insisted that when able, LWBC must send a mission team to Uganda.
It’s exciting to see what God is doing at Living Word Baptist Church, and how He is at work in the lives of many in our community. Pamela and I would like to invite anyone who would like to keep up with this exciting time to be on our mailing list so that we can share future events with all our friends and family.
Please pray! Pray for Living Word that God will continue to add to the church those who will be saved and those who will serve! Pray for Pam and me that God will provide for our needs!
Blessings to Everyone!
Darrell & Pam Coley
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
Weekly & Monthly Local Ministries:
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:15pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
May Calendar
May 5: Argentina Team Meeting @ 12:30pm at L. Busick’s house
May 5: Disaster Relief Banquet @ 12:30pm in Gym (RSVP Required)
Contact Wanda Lovely for more information:
May 5: Key West Team Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 202
May 9: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
May 11: Billy Graham My Hope Training from 9:00am-12:00pm in Sanctuary
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
May 14: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date May 16)
May 15-19: Beverly, WV Mission Trip
Contact Joe Veal for more information:
May 17: Young at Heart Gathering - Helping with Orphan Care dinner and then attending Crazy Love Celebration at Urbancrest (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
May 19: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
May 19: Haiti Team Meeting from 4:00pm-6:00pm in Room 205
May 19: Uganda Team Meeting from 3:00pm-5:45pm at Urbancrest (Room TBD)
May 21: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date May 23)
May 28: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date May 30); Monthly Baskets of Hope @ 6:00pm in Room 206
May 29: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide Challenge the Neighborhood (Revere’s Run subdivision); Visitation Night; Work at Resource Center/Thrift Store
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June Calendar
June 1: Safe Travel Training from 8:30am-12:30pm in Room 203/204
This training is required every three years for team members of all international trips.
June 1: Church-wide Challenge Newspaper Evangelism Training
June 2: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
June 2: Key West Team Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 202
June 4: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 6)
June 5: Block Party (Location TBD)
June 6: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
June 7-9: Young at Heart Retreat at Long’s Retreat Family Resort in Adams County
(see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
June 8: Block Party for Hope Church in Dayton (Randy Chestnut)
June 9: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
June 11: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 13)
June 12: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide distribution of door knockers for VBS; Prayerwalking
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 14: Young at Heart Gathering
June 17-21: Urbancrest Vacation Bible School
Visit for more information!
June 18: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 20)
June 21: VBS Block Party
June 23: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
June 23: Haiti Team Meeting from 4:00pm-6:00pm in Room 205
June 25: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 27)
June 26: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide Challenge the Neighborhood; Visitation Night; Work at Resource Center/Thrift Store; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 30: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
Save the Date:
August 3 – Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:15pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
May Calendar
May 5: Argentina Team Meeting @ 12:30pm at L. Busick’s house
May 5: Disaster Relief Banquet @ 12:30pm in Gym (RSVP Required)
Contact Wanda Lovely for more information:
May 5: Key West Team Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 202
May 9: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
May 11: Billy Graham My Hope Training from 9:00am-12:00pm in Sanctuary
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
May 14: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date May 16)
May 15-19: Beverly, WV Mission Trip
Contact Joe Veal for more information:
May 17: Young at Heart Gathering - Helping with Orphan Care dinner and then attending Crazy Love Celebration at Urbancrest (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
May 19: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
May 19: Haiti Team Meeting from 4:00pm-6:00pm in Room 205
May 19: Uganda Team Meeting from 3:00pm-5:45pm at Urbancrest (Room TBD)
May 21: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date May 23)
May 28: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date May 30); Monthly Baskets of Hope @ 6:00pm in Room 206
May 29: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide Challenge the Neighborhood (Revere’s Run subdivision); Visitation Night; Work at Resource Center/Thrift Store
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June Calendar
June 1: Safe Travel Training from 8:30am-12:30pm in Room 203/204
This training is required every three years for team members of all international trips.
June 1: Church-wide Challenge Newspaper Evangelism Training
June 2: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
June 2: Key West Team Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 202
June 4: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 6)
June 5: Block Party (Location TBD)
June 6: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
June 7-9: Young at Heart Retreat at Long’s Retreat Family Resort in Adams County
(see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
June 8: Block Party for Hope Church in Dayton (Randy Chestnut)
June 9: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
June 11: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 13)
June 12: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide distribution of door knockers for VBS; Prayerwalking
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 14: Young at Heart Gathering
June 17-21: Urbancrest Vacation Bible School
Visit for more information!
June 18: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 20)
June 21: VBS Block Party
June 23: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
June 23: Haiti Team Meeting from 4:00pm-6:00pm in Room 205
June 25: Hope Garden @ 5:30pm (Rain Date June 27)
June 26: All outreach activities begin at 6:00pm! Church-wide Challenge the Neighborhood; Visitation Night; Work at Resource Center/Thrift Store; Monthly Baskets of Hope in Room 206
Contact Clint Otto for more information:
June 30: Argentina Team Meeting after morning services in Room 201
Save the Date:
August 3 – Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
Weekly & Monthly Local Ministries:
Kindred Care Nursing Home Ministry – Every Wednesday from 6:15pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
April Calendar
April 2-6: Beverly, West Virginia Mission Project
Contact Aaron Taylor for more information:
April 4: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
April 7: Uganda Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 201
April 9: All Day Staff Retreat
April 9: Hope Garden Prep Day @ 5:00pm
April 12: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm
Location: Trezonas (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
April 13: Mission Intern Cookout @ 6:00pm
Location: Estep’s house
April 14: Intern Recognition in Worship Services
April 14: Argentina Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 201
April 14: Key West Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 202
April 14: 2013 GIC Coordinator Debrief from 5:00pm-7:00pm
April 14: Parent Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 207
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
April 19-20: Sub Sahara Africa Mission Training in Mt. Orab, OH
Contact Doss Estep for more information:
April 21: Uganda Team Meeting @ 3:00pm in Room 202
April 21: Haiti Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 4:00pm
April 26-27: Baptist Global Response Training (RSVP required)
Contact Wanda Lovely for more information:
April 28: Key West Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 202
May Calendar
May 5: Disaster Relief Banquet @ 12:30pm
Contact Wanda Lovely for more information:
May 9: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
May 14: Hope Garden Planting Day @ 6:00pm
May 15-19: Beverly, WV Mission Trip
Contact Joe Veal for more information:
May 18: Uganda Team Meeting @ 6:30pm (location TBD)
May 19: Haiti Team Meeting @ 4:00pm
Save the Date:
June 1: Safe Travel Training from 8:30am-12:30pm in Room 203/204
This training is required every three years for participants of international mission trips.
August 3: Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
Kindred Care Nursing Home Ministry – Every Wednesday from 6:15pm-7:00pm
Contact Rita Simms for more information:
Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:
Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:
Warren County Juvenile Detention Center – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Christina Woods for more information:
April Calendar
April 2-6: Beverly, West Virginia Mission Project
Contact Aaron Taylor for more information:
April 4: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
April 7: Uganda Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 201
April 9: All Day Staff Retreat
April 9: Hope Garden Prep Day @ 5:00pm
April 12: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm
Location: Trezonas (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
April 13: Mission Intern Cookout @ 6:00pm
Location: Estep’s house
April 14: Intern Recognition in Worship Services
April 14: Argentina Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 201
April 14: Key West Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 202
April 14: 2013 GIC Coordinator Debrief from 5:00pm-7:00pm
April 14: Parent Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 207
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
April 19-20: Sub Sahara Africa Mission Training in Mt. Orab, OH
Contact Doss Estep for more information:
April 21: Uganda Team Meeting @ 3:00pm in Room 202
April 21: Haiti Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 4:00pm
April 26-27: Baptist Global Response Training (RSVP required)
Contact Wanda Lovely for more information:
April 28: Key West Commit-to-Go Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 202
May Calendar
May 5: Disaster Relief Banquet @ 12:30pm
Contact Wanda Lovely for more information:
May 9: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
May 14: Hope Garden Planting Day @ 6:00pm
May 15-19: Beverly, WV Mission Trip
Contact Joe Veal for more information:
May 18: Uganda Team Meeting @ 6:30pm (location TBD)
May 19: Haiti Team Meeting @ 4:00pm
Save the Date:
June 1: Safe Travel Training from 8:30am-12:30pm in Room 203/204
This training is required every three years for participants of international mission trips.
August 3: Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
March 7: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
March 8: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm
Location: Trezonas (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
March 9: Target Shooting Leadership Training from 9:00am-1:00pm in Room 207
March 10: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm at Haileys
March 13-17: Global Impact Celebration
Over 40 missionaries from all over the world will join us to share their ministries and stories! Plan now to attend every event!
"BE His heart, His hands, His voice" ~ Matthew 16:24-25
Featured Speakers:
Aaron Bogan - Uganda Baptist Seminary
Vance Pitman - Hope Baptist Church, Las Vegas, Nevada
For more information, visit
March 15: Hope Garden Work Date @ 5:30pm (rain date March 26)
March 24: Information Meeting for All Summer Mission Trips @ 12:30pm in Gym (lunch provided)
Please RSVP to Diane Lynch if you plan to attend:
To view the 2013 mission trips, visit:
March 24: Easter Baskets of Hope Service @ 6:00pm in Sanctuary
April 2-6: Beverly, West Virginia Mission Project
Contact Aaron Taylor for more information:
April 4: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
April 14: Parent Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 207
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
April 19: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm
Location: Trezonas (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
Save the Date! August 3 – Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
March 7: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
March 8: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm
Location: Trezonas (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
March 9: Target Shooting Leadership Training from 9:00am-1:00pm in Room 207
March 10: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm at Haileys
March 13-17: Global Impact Celebration
"BE His heart, His hands, His voice" ~ Matthew 16:24-25
Featured Speakers:
Aaron Bogan - Uganda Baptist Seminary
Vance Pitman - Hope Baptist Church, Las Vegas, Nevada
For more information, visit
March 15: Hope Garden Work Date @ 5:30pm (rain date March 26)
March 24: Information Meeting for All Summer Mission Trips @ 12:30pm in Gym (lunch provided)
Please RSVP to Diane Lynch if you plan to attend:
To view the 2013 mission trips, visit:
March 24: Easter Baskets of Hope Service @ 6:00pm in Sanctuary
April 2-6: Beverly, West Virginia Mission Project
Contact Aaron Taylor for more information:
April 4: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
April 14: Parent Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 207
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
April 19: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm
Location: Trezonas (see Urbancrest Young at Heart Facebook page for more information)
Save the Date! August 3 – Voice of the Martyrs Conference at Urbancrest!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
GIC Prayer Vigil - February 15 & 16
This weekend, February 15th and 16th, Urbancrest Baptist Church is hosting a prayer vigil to seek God’s blessing, guidance and favor on the upcoming Global Impact Celebration (GIC). The GIC is a time for our church to celebrate global missions—to hear the stories of the great work God is doing around the world through the hearts, hands and voices of those whom we have sent to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. This celebration will take place on March 13 – 17, 2013.
The specific goals of the 2013 GIC are for 1) God to be glorified, 2) vision to be enlarged, 3) hearts to be touched, 4) finances to be committed and 5) lives to be surrendered. Needless to say, there is a tremendous amount of work and coordination that goes on behind the scenes to realize these goals (e.g. arranging travel and housing, promotion, printing, home briefing coordination, child care, decorations, cleaning, etc.). A great number of individuals have already spent many hours laboring to achieve a successful GIC. Yet, labor alone is not enough!
Psalm 127:1 declares, “Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain.” This passage is a great reminder to us that it is necessary to undergird every GIC-related activity with prayer. We must be on our knees seeking God’s blessing and direction, or we risk laboring in vain. We must come together as the body of Christ to call upon the Lord.
This weekend we have the opportunity to come together in prayer for the GIC. The doors of the church will be open Friday night from 6PM to 11PM and Saturday from 7AM to 7PM. A leader will be in place in Room 203/204 during each hour. Materials describing our missionaries and their prayer needs will be provided. Any and all who desire to participate are welcome. Please join us during this time of corporate prayer for our upcoming missions celebration!
For more information about this weekend's prayer vigil and the upcoming Global Impact Celebration, please visit:
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
February 15: Young at Heart - Singles and young marrieds, college age & up
Location: 6:30pm @ Trezona's house then bowling for those interested ($10)
Bring a side dish to share!
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
February 15-23: Cuba Mission Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Jeff Crumbley:
February 15 & 16: Global Impact Celebration Prayer Vigil
Friday: 6pm-11pm; Saturday: 7am-7pm
Location: Room 203/204
For more information, visit
February 17: Haiti Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 205
For more information, contact Jeff Clem:
February 23 AM: SCBO Mission Round Table – Grove City, Ohio
February 23 PM: Elizabeth New Life Center Dinner at UBC
For more information, contact the church office: 513.932.4405
February 24: Beverly, West Virginia Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 203
Trip Dates: April 1-7, 2013 (spring break)
For more information, contact Aaron Taylor:
February 24: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm in Room 206
February 24: Parenting Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 203/204
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
March 3: GIC Meeting - Coordinator, Team Leaders, and Teams @ 12:30pm in Gym (lunch provided)
March 3: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 4:00pm in Room 206
March 7: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
March 10: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm in Room 206
March 13-17: Global Impact Celebration
For more information, visit
March 24: Information Meeting for All Summer Mission Trips @ 12:30pm in Gym (lunch provided)
Please RSVP to Diane Lynch if you plan to attend:
To view the 2013 mission trips, visit:
March 24: Easter Baskets of Hope Service @ 6:00pm in Sanctuary
February 15: Young at Heart - Singles and young marrieds, college age & up
Location: 6:30pm @ Trezona's house then bowling for those interested ($10)
Bring a side dish to share!
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
February 15-23: Cuba Mission Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Jeff Crumbley:
February 15 & 16: Global Impact Celebration Prayer Vigil
Friday: 6pm-11pm; Saturday: 7am-7pm
Location: Room 203/204
For more information, visit
February 17: Haiti Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 205
For more information, contact Jeff Clem:
February 23 AM: SCBO Mission Round Table – Grove City, Ohio
February 23 PM: Elizabeth New Life Center Dinner at UBC
For more information, contact the church office: 513.932.4405
February 24: Beverly, West Virginia Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 203
Trip Dates: April 1-7, 2013 (spring break)
For more information, contact Aaron Taylor:
February 24: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm in Room 206
February 24: Parenting Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 203/204
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
March 3: GIC Meeting - Coordinator, Team Leaders, and Teams @ 12:30pm in Gym (lunch provided)
March 3: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 4:00pm in Room 206
March 7: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
March 10: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm in Room 206
March 13-17: Global Impact Celebration
For more information, visit
March 24: Information Meeting for All Summer Mission Trips @ 12:30pm in Gym (lunch provided)
Please RSVP to Diane Lynch if you plan to attend:
To view the 2013 mission trips, visit:
March 24: Easter Baskets of Hope Service @ 6:00pm in Sanctuary
Monday, January 28, 2013
Support Urbancrest Missions While Shopping!
Did you know that you can support the Urbancrest Faith Promise Fund while shopping? It is true! Through the Kroger Community Rewards Program, you can be giving to the many ministries that Urbancrest supports through our Faith Promise Fund (FPF) every time you shop for groceries or anything else at Kroger! The Faith Promise Fund supports 56 missionaries around the world, as well as nationals in several countries. It also supports the many mission projects and church plants that Urbancrest is involved in.
The best thing about this rewards program is that there is no cost to you personally in any way! You will not lose any discounts or rebates that you are receiving. Regardless of where you live, I encourage you to complete the following steps to support our missions ministry:
The best thing about this rewards program is that there is no cost to you personally in any way! You will not lose any discounts or rebates that you are receiving. Regardless of where you live, I encourage you to complete the following steps to support our missions ministry:
- Go online to and follow the directions below to register. Please note: In order for the Faith Promise Fund to receive funds, you must register under our Urbancrest assigned number which is 83466.
- Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with our organization after you sign up.
- If you do not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
- Click on Sign In/Register
- Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box.
- Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions.
- You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
- Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
- Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
- Update or confirm your information.
- Enter NPO number (83466) or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm.
- To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see our organization’s name on the right side of your information page.
- Show your Kroger Plus card or enter your alternate ID at the checkout each time you shop so that our Faith Promise Fund will get credit for the purchase.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Have You Been to the Cross?
The picture above is a picture of a very large crucifix in Uganda, Africa. There are no signs explaining why it is there. It is way out in the country along a major road, but if you blink you will miss it. It is a monument to those who died in the Ugandan wars during the 1970’s and 1980’s. I think nearly all Americans would miss it without a good tour guide. But, if you have been to Uganda with Urbancrest, you have been to this cross. I can never resist stopping, even though we are always short on time and there is no place to park. It is unique, and I enjoy watching our folks walk up to it and be reminded of why they are in Uganda serving: the Cross and Jesus our Savior.
I am not saying that everyone needs to go to Uganda to see this cross, although hopefully some of you will. I do believe that there is a “cross” – a life changing moment that becomes a monument in your life – on every mission project we go on. It may be the look in a child’s eye, the words of a national, or the encouragement of a team member. It is the point that every believer experiences when they obediently “go into all the world” and the focus of their life is forever changed. This is the point of greatest satisfaction when you know that you are fulfilling your purpose to love those for whom Jesus died.
We are planning many mission projects for 2013, and we need participants to go with us to work in each of these important ministries. I have included the list of mission projects below for you to pray over. Watch for the upcoming information meetings or contact the mission office for specifics about these projects. Is God calling you? Will you go, give, and pray for these mission teams?
“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” ~ Matthew 9:37-38
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” ~ Matthew 16:24-25
2013 Mission Projects:
Israel: January 29-February 9, 2013
Contact: Mike & Darlys Bullock
Mexico (1): February 2-10, 2013
Contact: Jeff & Deanne Clem
Cuba: February 15-23, 2013
Contact: Jeff Crumbley
Beverly, WV (1): April 1-April 7, 2013 (spring break)
Contact: Aaron Taylor
Beverly, WV (2): May 15-19, 2013
Contact: Joe Veal
Key West, FL: June 6-13, 2013
Contact: Dave Bickers
Argentina: July 1-10, 2013
Contact: Leah Busick
Uganda: July 11-27, 2013
Contact: Doss Estep
Haiti: August 3-11, 2013
Contact: Jeff & Deanne Clem
Beverly, WV (3): August TBD
Contact: TBD
Mexico (2): September TBD
Contact: Doss Estep
Mexico (3): November TBD
Contact: Doss Estep
Youth Mission Projects:
M-Fuge Mission Trip to Charleston, SC
June 10-14, 2013
Contact: Aaron Taylor
Super Summer @ Cedarville
June 24-28, 2013
Contact: Aaron Taylor
You Turn Mission Projects:
Dominican Republic: January 8-15, 2013 (Evangelism/Church Planting)
Malawi, Africa: February 19-March 2, 2013 (Evangelism/ Leader Training)
Malawi, Africa: April 30-May 11, 2013 (Evangelism/Church Planting)
Cuba: May 14-20, 2013 (Evangelism)
Malawi, Africa: July 9-23, 2013 (Evangelism/Church Planting)
Malawi, Africa: July 27-August 10, 2013 (Evangelism /Church Planting)
Malawi, Africa: August 13-27, 2013 (Evangelism /Church Planting)
Cuba: November 12-19, 2013 (Evangelism)
For more information regarding You Turn Ministries go to , or contact Joe Veal at
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Mark Your Calendars
January 5: Help Portrait Event at Living Word Baptist Church from 2:00pm-5:00pm
Location: 500 West Mulberry Avenue, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
January 6: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 206
January 10: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
January 11: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm (bring a side dish to share)
Location: Trezona's House - 4759 Dewey Lane, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
January 13: Parenting Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 203/204
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
January 19: Short-term Mission Team Leader Training from 8:30am-3:30pm in Room 203
If you are interested in being trained as a Short-term Mission Trip Team Leader, please contact Doss Estep for consideration:
January 24: Urbancrest Church Planter Network Meeting from 10:00am-1:00pm in Room 504
January 25-26: Men’s Summit
For more information, visit:
January 27: GIC Coordinators & Team Leaders Meeting @ 12:30pm in the Gym (lunch provided)
January 27: Target Shooting Affinity Group Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 206
This meeting is for those who may be interested in helping to lead this group. For more information, contact Clint Otto:
January 29-February 9: Israel Mission Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Darlys Bullock:
February 3-9: Mexico UPG Vision Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Jeff Clem:
February 7: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
February 10: Uganda Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 201
Contact Doss Estep for more information:
February 10: Argentina Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 203/204
Contact Leah Busick for more information:
February 10: Hope Garden Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 206
February 10: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 206
February 15: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm (bring a side dish to share)
Location: Trezona's House - 4759 Dewey Lane, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
February 15 & 16: Global Impact Celebration Prayer Vigil
February 15-23: Cuba Mission Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Jeff Crumbley:
February 17: Haiti Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 205
Contact Jeff Clem for more information:
February 23 AM: SCBO Mission Round Table - Grove City, Ohio
February 23 PM: Elizabeth New Life Center Dinner at Urbancrest
For more information, contact the church office: 513.932.4405
February 24: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm in Room 206
February 24: Parenting Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 203/204
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
January 5: Help Portrait Event at Living Word Baptist Church from 2:00pm-5:00pm
Location: 500 West Mulberry Avenue, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
January 6: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 206
January 10: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
January 11: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm (bring a side dish to share)
Location: Trezona's House - 4759 Dewey Lane, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
January 13: Parenting Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 203/204
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
January 19: Short-term Mission Team Leader Training from 8:30am-3:30pm in Room 203
If you are interested in being trained as a Short-term Mission Trip Team Leader, please contact Doss Estep for consideration:
January 24: Urbancrest Church Planter Network Meeting from 10:00am-1:00pm in Room 504
January 25-26: Men’s Summit
For more information, visit:
January 27: GIC Coordinators & Team Leaders Meeting @ 12:30pm in the Gym (lunch provided)
January 27: Target Shooting Affinity Group Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 206
This meeting is for those who may be interested in helping to lead this group. For more information, contact Clint Otto:
January 29-February 9: Israel Mission Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Darlys Bullock:
February 3-9: Mexico UPG Vision Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Jeff Clem:
February 7: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 7:00pm in Room 202
February 10: Uganda Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 201
Contact Doss Estep for more information:
February 10: Argentina Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 203/204
Contact Leah Busick for more information:
February 10: Hope Garden Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 206
February 10: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 206
February 15: Young at Heart @ 6:30pm (bring a side dish to share)
Location: Trezona's House - 4759 Dewey Lane, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
For more information, contact Clint Otto:
February 15 & 16: Global Impact Celebration Prayer Vigil
February 15-23: Cuba Mission Project
If you would like to receive prayer updates for this team, please contact Jeff Crumbley:
February 17: Haiti Information Meeting @ 12:30pm in Room 205
Contact Jeff Clem for more information:
February 23 AM: SCBO Mission Round Table - Grove City, Ohio
February 23 PM: Elizabeth New Life Center Dinner at Urbancrest
For more information, contact the church office: 513.932.4405
February 24: GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm in Room 206
February 24: Parenting Support Group @ 6:00pm in Room 203/204
For more information, contact Michelle Otto: 937.609.3633
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Uganda Mission Trip Report - Part 2
Wow! What a difference a few years can make in a third world country! Michelle and I were a part of Urbancrest's 2009 mission team that said a tearful goodbye to Buvuma Island, leaving behind a very primitive Urbancrest Baptist School, mud huts, winding walking paths, and no electricity. As we piled into a wooden boat very similar to ones that Jesus traveled in, we did not know if or when we would return.
Three short years later, we were blessed to be a part of Urbancrest's 2012 team of fourteen members. While six team members remained in Jinja (see Uganda Mission Trip Report - Part 1), the other eight members arrived on Buvuma to find roads and cars, brick buildings with metal roofs, a movie theatre (still surreal in my mind), and a brand new building supported by the people of Urbancrest Baptist Church in Lebanon, Ohio. It was wonderful to be reunited with Ron & Darlene Whitmer, retirees from Urbancrest Baptist Church, who are serving full-time in Uganda to support the ministries on Buvuma island and in Jinja. There is no question how the Lord is fulfilling His God-sized plan through them.
It didn’t take our group long to realize that this (although very improved) island was still not the same as home. Outdoor showers, solar lighting, and the restroom facilities (I have promised to leave the specifics of that part out of this report!) were part of the challenges we faced while staying there for five days. As the week progressed, not only did the team galvanize as only the Body of Christ can, but these challenges were welcomed and integrated into our "new normal" lifestyle on the island. Complaining was non-existent. Love and grace became the common denominators of our team.
We had the opportunity to share Jesus with some incredible people. We loved them before we ever met them, because Christ loved them first and was already at work there. Our team focused on several ministries. Two of us taught pastors, two of us went from village to village and taught men, and four of us ministered to several overcrowded schools through a VBS program. We taught pastors how to make disciples through key biblical principles. Our men's ministry shared the foundational teachings of our faith, and the children's ministry personally touched the lives of nearly 600 children through VBS. We were able to bring the hope of Christ to what might otherwise seem like a hopeless situation.
Altogether on the island, we had over 30 decisions for Christ from adults and possibly hundreds of decisions from the children. The believers there strengthened us, and we hope in some small way we encouraged their work. The Lord created so many imprints on our hearts that will last forever from this part of the trip to a little island in the middle of Lake Victoria. The Holy Spirit blew the wind in our sails, returning us to the mainland in the same way that He led us across the world to reach a people who Jesus loves just as much as He loves us. Our hope is in the One who might someday choose to blow us in that direction again. Thy will be done.
Three short years later, we were blessed to be a part of Urbancrest's 2012 team of fourteen members. While six team members remained in Jinja (see Uganda Mission Trip Report - Part 1), the other eight members arrived on Buvuma to find roads and cars, brick buildings with metal roofs, a movie theatre (still surreal in my mind), and a brand new building supported by the people of Urbancrest Baptist Church in Lebanon, Ohio. It was wonderful to be reunited with Ron & Darlene Whitmer, retirees from Urbancrest Baptist Church, who are serving full-time in Uganda to support the ministries on Buvuma island and in Jinja. There is no question how the Lord is fulfilling His God-sized plan through them.
It didn’t take our group long to realize that this (although very improved) island was still not the same as home. Outdoor showers, solar lighting, and the restroom facilities (I have promised to leave the specifics of that part out of this report!) were part of the challenges we faced while staying there for five days. As the week progressed, not only did the team galvanize as only the Body of Christ can, but these challenges were welcomed and integrated into our "new normal" lifestyle on the island. Complaining was non-existent. Love and grace became the common denominators of our team.
We had the opportunity to share Jesus with some incredible people. We loved them before we ever met them, because Christ loved them first and was already at work there. Our team focused on several ministries. Two of us taught pastors, two of us went from village to village and taught men, and four of us ministered to several overcrowded schools through a VBS program. We taught pastors how to make disciples through key biblical principles. Our men's ministry shared the foundational teachings of our faith, and the children's ministry personally touched the lives of nearly 600 children through VBS. We were able to bring the hope of Christ to what might otherwise seem like a hopeless situation.
Altogether on the island, we had over 30 decisions for Christ from adults and possibly hundreds of decisions from the children. The believers there strengthened us, and we hope in some small way we encouraged their work. The Lord created so many imprints on our hearts that will last forever from this part of the trip to a little island in the middle of Lake Victoria. The Holy Spirit blew the wind in our sails, returning us to the mainland in the same way that He led us across the world to reach a people who Jesus loves just as much as He loves us. Our hope is in the One who might someday choose to blow us in that direction again. Thy will be done.
~ Clint & Michelle Otto, Team Leaders
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