Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Global Impact Celebration Prayer Vigil

This year’s Global Impact Celebration kicks off with a Prayer Vigil, February 21 & 22 in Room 203/204. The entire church is invited to be a part of this important and exciting time of prayer.

Friday, February 21: 6:00pm -11:00pm
Saturday, February 22: 7:00am-6:00pm

Contact Steve Persen at to participate with your Bible study, small group or Sunday school class OR just drop in when your family has an hour to learn about our missionary partners and to pray for them in our special prayer room.

Friday, February 7, 2014

2014 Urbancrest Mission Projects

Mexico (1): February 15-22, 2014
Contact: Jeff Crumbley/Mick Lovely

Youth Beverly, West Virginia: March 26-30, 2014
Contact: Aaron Taylor

Mexico (2): April 6-12, 2014
Contact: Jeff Clem

Youth Love Your City: May 2-3, 2014
Contact: Aaron Taylor

Beverly, West Virginia: May 23-25, 2014
Revival/Music team needed!
Contact: TBD

Youth M-Fuge Nashville: June 9-14, 2014
Contact: Aaron Taylor

Mexico (3): June 13-28, 2014
Contact: Deanne Clem

Mexico (4): June 21-28, 2014
Contact: Gwen Forrest

Key West, Florida: June 21-29, 2014
Contact: Dave Bickers

Beverly, West Virginia: June 23-27, 2014
Danny & Wanda Mitchell

Mexico (5): June 27-July 5, 2014
Contact: Jeff Clem

Mexico (6): July 4-12, 2014
Contact: Jeff Clem

Uganda: July 10-26, 2014
Contact: Doss Estep

Mexico (7): July 11-26, 2014
Contact: Jeff Clem

Beverly, West Virginia: July 13-17, 2014
VBS team needed!
Contact: TBD

Argentina: July 23-30, 2014
Contact: Leah Busick

Beverly, West Virginia: September 5-7, 2014     
Revival/Evangelism team needed!
Contact: Joe Veal

Thailand: October TBD
Contact: Doss Estep

Mexico (8): October 26-November 1, 2014
Contact: TBD  

For more information, contact Doss Estep at 513-932-4405 or .

Mark Your Calendars

February Weekly & Monthly Local Ministries:
Kindred Care Nursing Home – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Contact Howard Pauley for more information: 937-671-5349

Laundry Ministry – Every Third Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm
Contact Sandy Huddleston for more information:

Lebanon Food Pantry – Every Third & Fifth Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Barb Gregory for more information:

Warren County Juvenile Detention Center (WCJDC) – Every Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Anyone wanting to serve at WCJDC must be pre-approved!
Contact Bob Woods for more information: 513-383-3554

February Calendar
February 6: FPF Stewardship Team Meeting @ 6:30pm in Room 202

February 11: WCJDC

February 12: Kindred Care; Women’s Summit Planning Meeting from 6:45pm-8:00pm in Room 202

February 15: Target Shooting Ministry from 9:00am-12:00pm
Contact Clint Otto at or stop by the lobby mission table for more information!

February 15-22: Mexico UPG Mission Trip

February 18: WCJDC

February 19: Food Pantry; Kindred Care; Laundry Ministry

February 21: GIC Prayer Vigil from 6:00pm-11:00pm in Room 203/204

February 22: GIC Prayer Vigil from 7:00am-6:00pm in Room 203/204

February 23: Small Groups Information Meeting from 12:30pm-1:30pm in Room 205; GIC Coordinator Meeting @ 5:00pm in Room 206; Mexico UPG Strategy Group Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 207

February 25: Monthly Baskets of Hope; WCJDC

February 26: Kindred Care; Monthly Baskets of Hope

Looking Ahead:
March 9: Urbancrest Prayer Core Group Meeting @ 6:00pm in Room 202

March 12-16: Global Impact Celebration
TotALLy His: Heart, Hands, Voice – Matthew 22:36-39
Go to to view the Schedule of Events!

March 24-30: Youth Beverly, West Virginia Mission Trip
Contact Aaron Taylor at for more information!

June 7: Safe Travel Solutions Training (for mission teams departing June-December 2014)